

                   Gnome report - November 2024

Hello again my fellow worshippers, time for a wee
update on what the garden gnomes get up to when no-one
is looking. If you recall, in the last magazine, I informed you of
damage done by person or persons unknown to the stained-glass 
windows in the Sanctuary on the kitchen side.

Well, I’m delighted to inform you all repairs have been completed
including the protective plastic sheeting over them to prevent
similar damage in the future. So, all good there.

Remembrance time is approaching, and the gnomes will
be erecting the Cross as well as preparing our own wee Garden
Of Remembrance to the front of the Church.

Shortly after this has been cleared, the gnomes will be making
preparations for the Saint Andrews Festival at the end of
November. The boards will need to be brought down for the
displays, the electric extensions to be checked and set up,
and any assistance to any of the exhibitors as they set up their
different displays.


  When this event comes to an end, all the infrastructure will
need to be cleared and pretty much immediately, all necessary
preparations that will be required for the Advent season will then
need to be put in place. This includes the outside Christmas
displays i.e. the Christmas tree, any lighting on this as well as the

After the storms last year and the damage done as a
result, the Gnomes have been reviewing the positioning of the
Stable. We are going to try placing it in a different position that will
hopefully offer better protection from stormy weather.
If this proves successful, we’ll then look at how to provide
electrical power on that site for next year. Cost, as always is a
primary consideration, but we’ll see what can be done.

Early next year the senior Gnome will have to arrange
for the annual PAT testing to be done, the check of every
appliance that has a plug. At the same time, the 5-year check of
the electrical infrastructure has to be done, this is expensive
but for the safety of all hall users and Church goers, it’s a must.

While all this is going on, there is the routine stuff that still has
to be attended to:- keeping the gardens tidy, regularly check and
tidy the clothing bank which brings much needed funds for the
Church.                                                                                                                                                                                                        The outside taps will need to be drained down for the winter.

This is as usual, a busy time of the year for the Gnomes,
so, if any one of you wishes to join us, you’d be made very

Any Wednesday afternoon from about 1pm, we
look forward to seeing you then. There will be other,
more incidental things the Gnomes will have gotten up to,
but the things I have highlighted are the main events.

Until the next report, the first in 2025, I’ll wish you all a very Happy
Christmas time and a Guid New Year.

Phil Jordan. Junior Gnome.





Scottish Charity No.  SC002953

